Loan Signing Services
Loan Signing Services
Buyer Closing
Seller Closing
Joint Buyer/Seller Closing
Refinance - Cash Out**
In-Office Closings
Reverse Mortgage Closings
RON - Refinance*
RON - Buyer Closing
IPEN - Refinance
IPEN - Buyer Loan Closing
IPEN - Seller Loan Closing
Other Signing Services
Debt Settlement
Structured Settlements
Scan/Fax Backs
Loan Applications
I-9/Identity Verification
Courier to Title
Other Signing Fees
Debt Settlement - $115
In person signing/printed docs
Structured Settlements - $115
In person signing/printed docs
Scan/Fax Backs - $15
Added to the signing fee
Loan Applications - $115
In person signing/printed docs
I-9/Identity Verification - $75
In person signing/printed docs
Courier to Title - $115
Notary delivers signed documents to title company
Loan Signing Fees
Buyer Closing
$135 - In person signing/printed docs
Seller Closing
$115 - In person signing/printed docs
Joint Buyer/Seller Closing
$165 - In person signing/printed docs
$125 - In person signing/printed docs
Refinance/Cash Out **
$125 - In person signing/printed docs
In-Office Closing
$90 - In person signing/printed docs
Reverse Mortgage Closing
$90 - In person signing/printed docs
RON - Refinance*
$200 - Remote signing/emailed docs. All signer email addresses must be provided.
RON - Buyer Closing*
$210 - Remote signing/emailed docs. All signer email addresses must be provided.
RON - Seller Closing*
$190 - Remote signing/emailed docs. All signer email addresses must be provided.
IPEN - Refinance**
$175 - Digital in person signing and notarization. Cell phone and/or email for all signers must be provided.
IPEN - Buyer Loan Closing**
$185 - Digital in person signing and notarization. Cell phone and/or email for all signers must be provided.
* 2 signers included, additional signers $10/signer
**IPEN is In Person Electronic Notarization
*** Fee does not include room fee